Past sermons and series
I Timothy: Fighting the Good Fight Together: A field guide for building a healthy church: Two essential practices of a church
We begin a new series on the book of I Timothy—using it as a field guide to help us build a healthy church. Today we see two essential practices of a healthy church.
Scriptures: I Timothy 1;1-7
ONE THING: Transformed by Jesus
We continue our 2025 kickoff series where we look at the ONE THING passages in the Bible, asking God to show us what matters most in our lives in 2025.
Scriptures: John 9
ONE THING: A Jesus Centered Life
We continue our 2025 kickoff series where we look at the ONE THING passages in the Bible, asking God to show us what matters most in our lives in 2025.
Scriptures: Philippians 3:7-14
ONE THING: Seeking the Face of God: Psalm 27
We continue our 2025 kickoff series where we look at the ONE THING passages in the Bible, asking God to show us what matters most in our lives in 2025.
Scriptures: Psalm 27
The Songs of Christmas: Simeon’s Song: Luke 2:21-35
Today, Keith Guess walks us through Simeon’s song in Luke 2:21-35, a song of praise sung to rejoice in God’s faithfulness to His promises to His people.
Scriptures: Luke 2:21-35
ONE THING: What Jesus says matters most: Luke 10:38-42
At the start of 2025 Jesus teaches us about what ONE THING is essential for us to live a powerful year with Him
Scriptures: Luke 10:38-42
The Songs of Christmas: The Angels’ Song: Luke 2:8-14
The night of Jesus’ birth, the Bible tells us that myriads of angels appeared suddenly and sang to some humble shepherds…..
Scriptures: Luke 2:8-14
Our Savior Emptied Himself: The Jesus Song: Philippians 2:5-11
Pastoral resident Jake Leohr walks us through a powerful passage that contains a song of praise sung by the early church to celebrate Jesus’ humility that He demonstrated when He came to earth, as a human, and humbled himself by becoming obedient to His Father’s plan to save the world by dying on the cross.
Scriptures: Phiippians 2:5-11
The Lord Remembers: Zechariah’s Song: Luke 1:5-25; 67-78
We learn essential truths about waiting on God from the lives of John the Baptist’s parents, John and Elizabeth
Scriptures: Luke 1:5-25; 67-79
Aligning our Story with God’s Story: Mary’s Song: Luke 1:46-55
In the first sermon in our Songs of Christmas series, we look at Mary’s song of praise
Scriptures: Luke 1:26-55
God’s Heart vs. Our Hearts: Jonah 4
Jonah 4 shows God’s attempt to reveal the prophet’s heart to see if he has God’s mercy and compassion for sinners.
Scriptures: Jonah 4
The God who gives Do-overs: Jonah 3
Jonah 3 teaches us that our God is rich in mercy, a God who is able to save anyone who turns to Him in repentance.
Scriptures: Jonah 3
Jonah: Our God Saves: Jonah 2
In Jonah 2 we see Jonah’s prayer to God from the belly of a great fish, and we see the heart of a God who saves the proud, the helpless, the idolatrous, and the religious
Scriptures: Jonah 2
Jonah: Our God Pursues: Jonah 1
Today we begin our study of the book of Jonah and discover that our God is a God who pursues us!
Scriptures: Jonah 1
Distinctives of a Jesus Centered Church: Citizens of Heaven
Today we study look at the distinctive of Jesus centered church as being citizens of heaven
Scriptures: Acts 4:23-36; 5:27; Mark 12:13-17
Distinctives of a Jesus Centered Church: Defenders of Life
Today we study look at the distinctive of Jesus centered church as being a defender of life.
Scriptures: Genesis 1:26-28; Luke 4:18-19; Acts 4:23-36
Distinctives of a Jesus Centered Church: Courage and Generosity
Today we study Acts 4 and find the source of courage of the early church in the face of great opposition
Scriptures: Acts 4
Finding and Following Jesus. #6: Enjoying Jesus Together
Today we look at the first students, apprentices of Jesus, and what they did together to launch the first church, taking what they learned from Jesus and putting it into practice. .
Scriptures: Acts 1:1-2; 1:8; Acts 2:42-47
Finding and Following Jesus. #4: Living Like Jesus
Jesus invites us to Be with Him, to Learn from Him, and to Live in His love...then, on top of all of this, He invites us to Live Like Him, to invest our lives in the same mission He was sent to earth to live.
Scriptures: John 20:19-23; Matthew 28:18-20; John 10:10; Mark 10:45; Luke 19:10
Finding and Following Jesus #4: Love Like Jesus
Today we examine Jesus' invitation to learn from be His students, apprentices who learn how to live like Jesus lived
Scriptures: John 8:31b-32; Matthew 11:28-30; Luke 10:38-42