Past sermons and series
Unexpected Beginnings: Phil. 1:1-11
The book of Philippians teaches us how to find joy and peace even in our darkest and most challenging days. In Philippians 1:1-11 we see that God loves to do big things in unexpected ways…and He’s eager to start a new work in our lives!
Scripture: Philippians 1:1-11
Do Life with Jesus
Jesus invites us to live our lives so closely connected to Him that He pours His character and life changing power into us! This is incredible—and this is the core teaching of Compass Church!!
Scripture: John 15:1-8
The Expression of Generosity
A clear sign that someone truly knows Jesus is generosity! Following Jesus means we have been bountifully loved and provided for, and then from this bounty we are free to share what Jesus has poured into our lives! May God unleash us to be a generous people who follow a generous Savior!
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
The Heart of Generosity
The heart of generosity is birthed through the life changing encounter with Jesus—who for our sake became poor, so that we could become rich. May our hearts be transformed as a people and a church through Jesus, and may our generosity point many people to Him!
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Resurrection and Life
Description: The foundation of Compass Church rests on the resurrection of Jesus! John 11 shows us a powerful interaction between Jesus and His friends at the grave side of their brother Lazarus—and shows us Jesus is our hope and the one who brings us life even in the face of death.
Scripture: John 11:17-44
Teach Us to Pray
One of the greatest gifts Jesus has given His people is the gift of prayer—the ability to talk to our Father in heaven at any time from any place! Prayer is the foundation and life line for Compass Church!
Scripture: Luke 11:1-13
Live in Jesus’ Mission
Jesus gives His followers an amazing invitation—to live for the same purpose that He was sent to live! Jesus’ followers are a sent people—empowered and equipped to bring life to the people around them, just like Jesus did! Wow!
Scripture: John 20:19-23; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
Live in Jesus’ Word
A sign that we are Jesus’ followers is we will abide in His teaching. The words of Jesus are powerful, life changing, and set us free. Compass longs to be a church that studies and practices Jesus teaching
Scripture: John 8:31-32