Past sermons and series

Praying Like Jesus Prayed.                      Mark 14:36
Prayer Compass Church Prayer Compass Church

Praying Like Jesus Prayed. Mark 14:36

Wrapping up our 8 days of prayer, today we looked at Jesus' powerful prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, shortly before His trials and beatings and crucifixion...this powerful prayer gave Jesus the strength He needed to face the next 15 hours and complete His work on the cross.

Scriptures: Mark 14:36

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Equipped to Stand Strong.     Ephesians 6:10-20
Ephesians Compass Church Ephesians Compass Church

Equipped to Stand Strong. Ephesians 6:10-20

To wrap up his letter to his friends in Ephesus, Paul encourages followers of Jesus that we are equipped to withstand attacks by evil forces led by the devil, given resources Jesus gives us as we follow we can live confidently and stand strong even in the most difficult of times to advance the Gospel.

Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10-20

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Who we are in Christ When Jesus Shows Up at Home and at Work. Ephesians 6:1-9
Ephesians Compass Church Ephesians Compass Church

Who we are in Christ When Jesus Shows Up at Home and at Work. Ephesians 6:1-9

Ephesians 5:1-21 describe the kind of life that can be lived by people who are in Christ--deeply loved by God, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Last week we looked at what it looks like when a marriage is lived out by a husband and a wife who are in Christ. Today's passage shows what happens when children and parents, employees and bosses/managers are living out their blessings of being in Christ.

Scriptures: Ephesians 6:1-9

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Break the Chains:  Comparison & Complaining
Break the Chains Compass Church Break the Chains Compass Church

Break the Chains:  Comparison & Complaining

Today we take a look at how to break the chain of comparison, which the Bible exposes as envy.  While envy appears to be such an small thing, it is destructive in our lives and exposes a breach in our relationship with God.  Jesus, the least envious person to ever walk on our planet, is our hope to breaking this chain.

Scriptures: Psalm 73; Proverbs 23:17-18; Ephesians 3:20

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