Past sermons and series
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: A Praying Church: Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-31
Jesus’ Church is meant to be a praying church. After Jesus ascended into heaven, His followers received the Holy Spirit, then launched the first church. Today we see how, from the beginning, prayer was an essential part of the church.
Scripture: Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-31
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Your Kingdom Come : Luke 11:1-8
Today, Jesus teaches us the power of surrender, expressed as we pray “Your Kingdom Come”—praying with hearts eager for His ways to prevail in our lives and in our world.
Scripture: Luke 11:1-4; Mark 14:36
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: PRAY BIG: Luke 11:1-8
Today, Jesus teaches us WHAT to pray for, and how He loves it when we pray BIG prayers!
Scripture: Luke 11:1-8
Lord, Teach Us to Pray: The Essentials of Prayer: Luke 11:1-4
Luke 11 tells us that one day when Jesus returned from praying, His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray. They never asked Him to teach them to preach, or do miracles…but there was something about Jesus’ prayer life that was so compelling to them they just had to have them teach them to pray. Today we look at the first 5 words of Jesus’ response…5 words that will radically impact how we pray!
Scripture: Luke 11:1-4