Past sermons and series
Living Out the Reality of the Resurrection—Ephesians 1:15-23
We took a break from Luke’s Gospel and focused on the reality of the resurrection…thanking the people of Compass Church, and encouraging them with the truths of this rich passage and cast a vision for what God wants to do next through our church.
Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-23
Easter 2023: The Ultimate Gamechanger
The Resurrection proves Jesus is the Ultimate Gamechanger…and I Peter 1:3-5 shows us three gifts we receive from the resurrection: Great Mercy, New Life, and a Living Hope
Scriptures: I Peter 1:3-5; 2 Peter 1:16; I Corinthians 15:3-8, 17, 19
Finding Jesus: Jesus’ Power on Display
The power and compassion of Jesus are on clear display in this section of Luke’s Gospel…inspiring His followers to trust Him through the storms of life.
Scriptures: Luke 8:22-56
Finding Jesus: The Parable of the Soils: Luke 8:4-15
Jesus’ love language is obedience—He loves it when His people hear His words and do what He says! In today’s passage Jesus shows us 4 types of responses He sees in people—4 soil types that reflect the ways people respond to Him. Our friend Justin Reynolds teaches us today.
Scriptures: Luke 8:4-15
Finding Jesus: Authentic Jesus: Luke 7
We live in a world where people are constantly looking for evidence, for proof that people in power can be truly trusted. Luke 7 shows the authentic Jesus…showing His authority over sickness and death, and flipping the script by recognizing a centurion’s faith, raising a widow’s only son from death, and showing mercy to a “sinful” woman in a Pharisee’s house. And right in the middle of all of this, Jesus fields a question about His true identity from John the Baptist.
Scriptures: Luke 7
Finding Jesus: Old Ways/Jesus’ Ways: Luke 5:33-6:49
In Luke 5:33-6:49, we see Jesus challenging existing, broken religious systems of His day and introducing His new ways of connecting with God and truly loving others.
Scriptures: Luke 5:33-6:49
Finding Jesus: Luke’s Gospel. Team Jesus Begins: Luke 5:1-32
In Luke 5, we see Jesus calling his first recruits for Team Jesus, then follow with Jesus through four snapshots that show 4 essential values of Team Jesus
Scriptures: Luke 5:1-32
Finding Jesus: Luke’s Gospel. Jesus’ Preparation and Presentation: Luke 4:1-43
In Luke 4, we see Jesus being prepared for ministry by resisting temptation for 40 days in the wilderness, then we see Jesus’ first days of ministry—where He faced rejection in His hometown, but He induced awe from crowds in other places
Scriptures: Luke 4:1-43
Finding Jesus: Luke’s Gospel. Who is the G.O.A.T.? Luke 3:1-22
In Luke 3 we meet John the Baptist, the man Jesus called the greatest man who ever lived—and we hear John’s message and see his heart to point people to Jesus. John is a beautiful picture of a humble servant who prepares the way for Jesus, then gets out of the way.
Scriptures: Luke 3.1-22
Finding Jesus: Luke’s Gospel. Jesus is Born: Savior, Christ, Lord: Luke 2:1-20
Luke tells the story of the birth of Jesus, showing God’s heart for the outsider, Jesus’ role as Savior, Christ, and Lord, and showing us how the shepherds responded with great joy!
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20
Finding Jesus: Luke’s Gospel. Unexpected Beginnings: Luke 1:1-55
We begin our study of Luke’s Gospel looking at the birth stories of John the Baptist and Jesus. We see in both stories that God seeks out those with humble hearts who are ready to be used by Him. .
Scripture: Luke 1:1-56